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The Bed Sheets and Linens Workshop

Udine, Italy

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Waking up on the right side of the bed

When it comes to bedding, it pays to invest in the good stuff. We’re all a lot more sleep deprived than our ancestors, blessed as they were with a lack of noise and light pollution, not to mention the lure of endlessly scrolling through our Instagram feed or dating app of choice. While we may not be able to control the sirens streaking past our bedroom windows or the siren call of Tinder at 2AM, we can make sure that we sink into a comfortable bed at the end of a long day. The journey to a good night’s sleep is a long one. Much like picking out the right fit for a dress shirt or the cut of a suit, understanding what’s right for your sleep is a journey of self-discovery. Memory foam or duck feather? Mattress Topper? Bedding fabric?

The cost of getting it wrong is a stream of bad tempered, sleep deprived days followed by endless tossing and turning. Often, the first time any of us truly appreciate the difference good bedding makes is on a holiday at a nice hotel. We may associate a good night’s rest with the fact that we’re away from the rush of our daily lives, but it’s actually in large part due to the fact that luxury hotels make sure to only use the finest bedding. It’s fairly simple- a good pair of shoes changes the way we walk, and a good set of bedding changes the way we sleep. We wouldn’t only wear high quality shoes on a fancy holiday (quite the opposite in fact), so why only get a good night’s sleep a few weeks of the year?

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Udine, Italy

At first glance, the small town of Udine, a stone’s throw away from the border with Slovenia, may not seem the obvious place for a world-renowned bedding and linens workshop. But this is no ordinary workshop, and they don’t do things the conventional way. Our Udine based artisans combine centuries old techniques with digital distribution channels and an eye to the future. It’s an Atelier that’s made its mark through adopting a flexible approach and relishing a good challenge. On our visit to the factory, product manager Orlando told us that linens made here could be delivered anywhere- including to a yacht, via a speedboat. Essentially, it’s part artisanal workshop, part 007 in Casino Royale.

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Where dreams are made

The workshop is a warm place with a familial atmosphere, dotted with the tools and machines that speak to traditional techniques used in the production of linens regionally. Only specially selected yarns are on the loom- the kind that are certified and produced in Italy by expert weavers. The yarn is finished using a cutting-edge art air loom which gives the fabric a smooth, soft texture impossible to achieve without high quality fabric, expert tools, and experts. You can tell the difference as soon as you touch the finished sheet, and for years after you purchase a set. The high quality yarn and spinning techniques mean that Lara linens outlast sheets of a lesser make and material. We’ve previously said that Vicuna, a rare fabric used in our stoles, is literally worth more than its weight in gold. And while that’s still true, a good night’s sleep is priceless, and we guarantee you’ll be thanking us for years to come for those hours of precious sleep. We’ve made your bed- now lie in it, drift off, and thank us in the morning.

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