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Customer Engagement - Patricia Dhar


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A little while ago, I sent an email to a portion of our customers requesting their input in addressing some of the challenges we have faced with Archibald. Customer feedback is ultimately the most powerful and authentic advice we can receive as a young brand with a bold vision. I decided that a few of them (both positive and the few negative ones) need to be shared. I would like to once again thank Patricia for his consent in allowing me to share his personal account below. 

Dear Rohan,

What a sincere and inspiring letter. I've even shared it with others because I so appreciate what you're trying to do for consumers and for your business. 
I'll write to you from a consumer's perspective first. 
I am a big consumer and I love beautiful things. I'm notoriously known amongst my friends as a shopper. At times it's embarrassing, but I really enjoy discovering new things. I've started a fashion blog. But had to postpone the launch for a couple of years as I pursue another occupation. Bottom line: I'm always looking for interesting new cool unique beautiful products in the US and abroad. It's my hobby and pleasure.
 Here's my story with Archibald. As I approached 50 I started to need reading glasses. I read about Archibald in the New York Times 2 years ago and thought it was such a fresh concept. Loved the website and the branding. So I bought a pair. Then soon after I bought another pair of reading glasses for me and a pair of eye glasses for my then 10-year-old daughter. 
I used to buy 6-10 Eyebobs a year. They often broke or I got tired of the design. I would lend them to my husband and he would invariably sit on them and they would break. 
My husband has borrowed my Archibalds and has accidentally sat on them several times and they have not broken. I also am careless and throw them in my bag and they have stood the test of being banged around and of time. It has now been 2 years! The workmanship of the Archibald glasses is excellent. I so appreciate the quality and durability. 
My daughter who has grown emotionally from being a little girl to being a teenager still loves her "Abebes" as she fondly calls them. Even as she goes through puberty, Archibald styling is so classic. They are still her go-to pair. I tried so hard to get another pair for myself (shopper in me) but couldn't because I didn't need to. (Need, want, need, want....)
They are the most comfortable pairs I own. I shop every once in awhile for another pair in New York or New Delhi (where we live). But for some odd reason nothing comes close. And for half the price of most quality glasses. Truly. Your prices are extremely reasonable. 
I've never requested the trial box of glasses because we live in New Delhi and it's difficult to do it here. But when I return to New York for the summer I would love to try on a few more styles and colors. Accessibility is my issue only because we don't live in the UK or US for most of the year. 
From a business perspective, your concept of reaching out to the customer directly is refreshing. I occasionally receive emails from vendors. But they don't dive into their strategy as much as you have and they don't reveal their concept so openly. I appreciate that about your company. 
I love the concept of cutting out the middle man. It's difficult to buy glasses online. But you've managed to figure this out. I took a picture of the credit card and held it in front of my daughter's pupils to take the measurement. So cool. I would never imagine that it would work. But it worked brilliantly. 
You've hit on all of your targets. I know it must be difficult to do. So congratulations! Durable product, timeless designs, reasonable prices. I love it!!
I really look forward to your next concept. I love cashmere and leather!
Thank you for reaching out. And I wish you the very best!

Warmest regards,


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