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A Roman Holiday: Why our artisans close up shop for the month of August


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By Maja Bayyoud

When we say we want to take you back to a slower and more intimate time, we really mean it. It’s why we work primarily with small scale workshops that are family run, devoted to quality over quantity. And in an age where instant gratification is so common it’s a given, it can be deeply startling to find out that production isn’t round the clock all over the world. In Italy, the traditional practice of taking the month of August off is alive and well to this day- and we wholeheartedly support our artisans in taking some much needed time off. 


With roots in the Roman empire, ‘Feriae Augusti’ was established by the eponymous emperor to combine many summertime festivities and holidays. It was an excellent time for Romans to get some well-earned rest and escape the sweltering ancient city. Fast forward to Mussolini’s Italy and the practice received a modern revival- with a fascist edge to it. Time off in August with participation in state-run activities was encouraged, often featuring a smattering of ideological indoctrination. Nowadays the practice of escaping city heat for seaside repose lives on, though luckily without any of the nastier early 20th century connotations. It’s particularly common among craftsmen and artisans, often placing pressure on fashion houses to have their pieces ready in time for the September shows in New York. 


We love that Italy slows down towards the end of summer, and we wouldn’t want to search for new producers abroad that might not adhere to the same quality standards or have access to the same calibre of raw material. It’s a route many brands opt for, or so we hear from our Italian craftsmen who often lose out on business in the subsequent Autumn months. We think the best things in life are worth waiting for, and that Alessandro and Adriano deserve a chance to put their feet up, poolside. All we ask of you is a little bit of patience over the next month or so as orders and pre-orders may take a bit longer- but we promise they’ll be worth it. And finally, we recommend everyone takes a leaf out of our artisans’ book and take the day off to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts- prendiamo la con calma


The following product ranges will be delayed by Italian summer period closures: 

Made to measure shirts 

Hand-welted dress shoes 

Bedding and linens

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A Roman Holiday: Why our artisans close up shop for the month of August

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