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What we are doing at Archibald


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Over the past few years, I have worked tirelessly with a small team who have dedicated themselves to my ideas and dreams for this rather ambitious brand; attempting to establish a concept which had never existed before. In the space of consumer retail, there was too often a wall between customers and brands which needed to be broken. Archibald is my first attempt at breaking this 'fourth wall' of retail.

When I first started Archibald, marketing strategy was a difficult subject. Sure–people have sold glasses and other wares online, cut out the middle-men and passed on the savings, but no one has gone about it quite in the same manner.

Archibald is about a merging of two worlds; the old world, where traditional craftsmanship is valued and celebrated, with today's power of the internet and modern retail. Our prices mean we are not luxury, yet our products can comfortably sit amongst and in many cases, challenge, the world's most exclusive luxury brands. Our approach has always been to invest in product and allow our customers to be the ones to tell the world our story, and thankfully, many of you have.

At Archibald, a total dedication to product is something we make a reality by finding and establishing relationships with the world’s master craftsmen; the people and places that others have left behind, and connecting them with discerning, conscious customers like you. We are not fast fashion and do not flirt with trend; instead, we champion beautiful, contemporary representations of timeless designs. The goal is to provide the absolute best product at honest prices; retail without compromise that truly empowers you–our customer.

We are proud of what we have accomplished and how much we've grown. We hope that you will continue to celebrate this heritage with us, and that you'll be as excited as we are for everything Archibald has in store. 

Until next time,

Founder and CEO,

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