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Tradition has never been more rebellious


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There has traditionally been nothing rebellious about tradition. However, it appears as though for the first time after many generations of attacking and defiling convention by acting stereotypically rebellious, we are facing a generation of quiet rebellion; millennials are found to challenge the status quo by reverting back to tradition. They are said to be the most conservative generation since the 1940s. Interestingly, we at Archibald follow a similar kind of philosophy; we believe in disruption by challenging the conventional retail method whilst appealing to old, traditional ways. 

But why is being conservative suddenly so attractive? Whilst we do live in very liberal times, political and relationship views have become more conservative. The idea of tradition comes with values; maybe this trending appeal to old values is an act of rebellion against this fast moving consumer orientated world that we live in. Maybe we are about to embark on a collective mission to restore true value in our lives, not only on a personal level; this paradigm shift may also induce a break from our retail frenzy and make us question the quality of the material goods we surround ourselves with. If this is true, there is a bright future ahead of us, not only on the business side of things but also from a societal point of view. 

In a time where we question what we have on our plates or whether our beauty products are ethical more than ever before, it may also be the right time to start inquiring how our clothes and accessories are manufactured and where they come from. Ethicism is a much discussed concept in the modern world. The concept received more and more momentum when the topic of exploitation by global corporations hit the headlines. Operating on an ethical plane comprises readopting old (often forgotten) values and taking on a moral form of conduct. Purely from an ethical point of view, don't you think that the disproportionate mark up a lot of high end firms charge on their products is, well, a little unethical? 

And then there is the strife to be different, to 'not fit in but to still fit in'; every generation's dilemma. As we grow up we develop our own style and way of going about our lives. It is a proven fact that individuals who challenge the norm are automatically regarded as more attractive. The sudden return to tradition is a statement by a young generation eager to make its mark in an increasingly impersonal world. 

Whilst rebellion surges when a group of individuals disagrees with a certain notion or norm, the thrill of rebellion is ever so enticing. Historically speaking, a revolution occurred when a large group of people gathered to fight for an ideology or overthrow a government. Every revolution we read about in historical books relied on numbers, only then it was possible to impose a new status quo. 

Our business model has its roots in disrupting the conventional retail model. However, we are only able to take on a $1.3 trillion luxury industry if we have have enough backing. In other words we need you, as our customer, to join us in this ultimate showdown. If you believe that you should only be paying for the product and not account for an unnecessary mark up, stand with us as we aim to operate in your best interest.

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